Energy Efficient Tax Credits

The recently signed tax deal between Congressional Republicans and President Obama which extended the Bush-era tax cuts also included a revised extension of the energy efficient improvement credit. Certain energy efficient improvements to windows, insulation, etc. made throughout 2010 are eligible for tax credits of up to 30% of the cost with a lifetime cap […]

Condominiums In Danger of Losing FHA Eligibility

A mandate issued in 2009 by the Federal Housing Administration required that all condominium projects approved for FHA guaranteed loans and refinancing prior to 2007 submit additional documentation by December 7, 2010 in order to remain FHA eligible. This requirement aims to greatly improve the financial stability of these condo projects by guaranteeing adequate budgets […]

Interest Rates Push Higher

The recent rise in Treasury yields has had the effect of pushing interest rates higher somewhat rapidly in the last few weeks. Freddie Mac had the average 30-year interest rate at 4.83% this week, which is up from 4.61% a week ago, and a record low of 4.17% just a month ago. While these rates […]

Fair Housing May Expand

A bill introduced in the House of Representatives by John Conyers (D – Michigan), Jerrold Nadler (D- New York), and Edolphus Towns (D- New York) would expand the protected classes under the Fair Housing laws to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income, or marital status. Another provision of the legislation […]

Freddie Mac Analysts Forecast 2011 Real Estate

Freddie Mac analysts point to five features that they believe will likely characterize the 2011 housing and mortgage markets:

1. Low mortgage rates. With Fed observers expecting the central bank to keep the federal funds rate at its current target range of 0 percent to 0.25 percent for most (or all) of 2011, relatively low […]

Northwest Tucson Remains Very Active

The Northwest side of Tucson remains amongst the most active areas of the city in terms of real estate business. According to October statistics released by the Tucson Association of REALTORS©, the Northwest had the most sold units of any area at 185 compared with the next closest of 94 for the Extended Northwest. Along […]

Interest Rates Fall Yet Again

After some very modest increases in interest rates over the last few weeks they have once again slid to record lows. The 30-year fixed rate average sits at 4.17% this last week according to Freddie Mac, while 15-year loans dipped to 3.57%. The drawn out economic recovery and job concerns still cause hesitation amongst buyers, […]

Seasons Shift For Sellers

As Fall begins to approach it is wise for sellers to take a look at their home and make any revisions necessary to keep the property in top shape to attract offers. Here are a few tips to keep in mind that could add appeal moving towards the Fall:

Replace seasonal flowers or plants with […]

Buying Surge Upcoming?

Americans are shrewdly evaluating the current housing market and a recent poll conducted by Fannie Mae shows increased awareness of now being a good time for a home purchase. A total of 70% of respondents believe it is a good time to buy a home, which is up from 64% in January of this year. […]

Mortgage Interest Deduction Still Overwhelmingly Popular

Some rumblings have been made in Washington, D.C. which have questioned the desirability of eliminating the mortgage interest deduction for personal income tax. This position would be vehemently opposed by many groups the most vocal being the National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of REALTORS©. A survey commissioned by the NAHB recently […]