Step 17: Read the inspection reports

Next: Review the HOA documents

It’s typical that you will receive the general inspection report either that same day in the evening or the next day. While the inspector will have gone over the report in person with you, it’s important you spend time reading through the entire report. It’s usual for the inspection report to have a summary section highlighting the issues, but don’t rely just on this section and actually go through the whole thing. If you weren’t able to make it for the recap at the end of the inspection or have additional questions please reach out to the inspector over the phone. Most inspectors will make themselves available for phone calls for residual questions.

Beyond just the general inspection report, make sure to thoroughly look through any other reports received during the inspection period like the termite, roof report(s), etc. Having a good grasp on these reports will allow you to make the most informed decision about what repair requests to ask for and also know the most you possibly can about the property you’re purchasing.

As you read through the reports we recommend that you begin to make a list of those items which you might like to ask the Seller to repair. Usually prioritizing this list is also very helpful. Many Buyers will put at the top of the list those items that are more expensive, more urgent to have fixed, or those things they might not want to take on themselves afterwards. More on this in the next section.